Sunday, August 30, 2015

Six Sunday Links

Are you laying around, hungover after one of the last summer Saturday nights? 

Stay horizontal, it's okay. Here are some fun links to take your mind off the headache and dry mouth. 

Instead of feeling like you're completely wasting your day, click these links, read, watch - and do yourself a favor, drink some light blue Gatorade. That stuff is the ultimate hangover cure. 

1) The Wedding Toast I'll Never Give
"I want to say that at various points in your marriage, may it last forever, you will look at this person and feel only rage. You will gaze at this man you once adored and think, “It sure would be nice to have this whole place to myself.” Sound like love to you? No? Maybe it should! This New York Times article had me laughing and feeling feels - it's a reality check, for sure, but not one that will turn you off to marriage altogether. 

2) In The Grand Canyon with Lance
Have you read "Born to Run" by Christopher MacDougall? If you have, you'll likely remember the character Jenn Shelton - an ultramarathoner who is free spirited (and often intoxicated) and entertaining. Well, turns out, she's also an incredibly engaging writer who is friends with Lance Armstrong. On the longer side, but definitely worth it!

3) Split Image 
"Checking Instagram is like opening a magazine to see a fashion advertisement. Except an ad is branded as what it is: a staged image on glossy paper.
Instagram is passed off as real life."
This one is a bit of a downer, but so so important to read and think about. Please, if you read one of these articles - make it this one. 

4) How to Age Gracefully
I really loved the way this video was put together. I guarantee you smile at the end. 

5) Girl Power! 
Ever wonder about the first guy to successfully go over Niagara Falls in a barrel? Well it was a WOMAN, and you can read about it in this article. 

I could watch this Vine on repeat for hours, honestly. 


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Who of us hasn't considered how our peers will react to our performance in a given race, whether good or bad? And in those moments, whom are we ultimately running for? The sport is difficult enough as it is; doing it for anyone but ourselves makes it unsustainable.

Be My Friend!

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